Flashback to the Chap Goh Mei 2024 at Fortuna

It is an honor for Fortuna to become a co-organizer with the Singapore Chamber of Commerce Vietnam (SCCV) for the Chap Goh Mei 2024 event. We are very pleased to welcome so many distinguished guests to this memorable event.

We hope that all the guests in attendance enjoyed the party with many delicious dishes, especially Yu Sheng (Prosperity Fish Salad) with luck and success coming in the new year, bringing a wonderful and unforgettable culinary experience.

Fortuna Hotel Hanoi would like to thank SCCV for choosing us as the co-organizer and venue for this important event. With that, to all distinguished guests - your presence is extremely wonderful.

Let's look back at the outstanding moments of the Chap Goh Mei 2024 event!

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