

Our Commitment to a Greener Future

At Fortuna Hotel, caring for the environment and local community is engrained in our culture. We believe sustainability must be a priority. That’s why we constantly challenge ourselves to find better, greener ways to operate for generations to come.


Care for the Environment

Our hotel’s commitment to reducing our environmental footprint is evident in every aspect of our operations as we proudly minimize single-use plastics and actively embrace eco-friendly alternatives..

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Care for Local Communities

Our hotel cares deeply for local communities, as evidenced by our impactful community service efforts and active participation in uplifting charity initiatives

In accordance with the current EU data protection laws, please take a minute to reviwe the term & conditions for using our services. Our terms describe how we use data and the options available to you.

In accordance with the current EU data protection laws, please take a minute to reviwe the term & conditions for using our services. Our terms describe how we use data and the options available to you.
